Neena at Clingstone

Neena at Clingstone

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fantastic week for sailing around here. Light to moderate winds from mostly the north west. Comfortable temperatures too. I don't usually care for land breezes, they're so shifty but this lovely weather has been so sweet. In the morning I've been doing some varnishing in Bristol Harbor followed by some sailing in Mt. Hope Bay on Neena, tough life, I tell you what. A couple of lovely boats in Bristol harbor, an early Hinckley Pilot in fiberglass and a Concordia yawl.
Any way, here's some pictures of Neena sailing herself with a tiller line with surgical tubing at each end attached to snap hooks attached to strap eyes on the coamings. I have carry some luff in the main for balance but who cares.

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